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About you

about you

You might be...

  • An entrepreneur, executive, corporate professional or have your own business.

  • An experienced speaker seeking to level up, and wanting top expert guidance.

  • (Or, you’re definitely not a speaker. That is, the idea of calling yourself a speaker sounds so not you.)

  • A nonnative English speaker, an engineer who’s unused to being in front of the room, or a woman or minority who’s previously experienced an unsupportive environment.


…You might even wonder if there’s truly hope in finding confidence and feeling good about speaking.


Regardless of your situation, you want to grow. You may be on a deep spiritual or personal development path… or, at the very least, you value growing yourself both personally and professionally.


Simultaneously, you seek professional speaking skills and powerful presence. You may desire to bring out more of yourself than you have been… to perhaps to step into more of who you are… while being in front of people. And become more confident. More dynamic. More impactful.


And, possibly, to help your true self  step forward into the world, to blossom, to be seen, and to share your voice.


Read on to learn about who we work with.

Smiling Woman
Smiling Woman

Corporate Executives, Professionals, Managers

Most of our corporate clients are moving up, or seeking to do so. Perhaps you’ve recently gotten a promotion… and aren’t sure how to inhabit your new role.

Or, you know you’re being held back from getting that promotion or new job because you either don’t have the leadership presence it takes, or the speaking skills needed for the job.


You need to speak up at conferences, to lead a team or meetings… or to simply find the courage to say what you really think (while not ruffling feathers).


Here are some common results that clients achieve:

  • Improved communication skills with both higher-ups and direct reports… and handling tricky situations and internal politics with increased ease

  • Growing … and getting an unprecedented fast-track promotion

  • Being asked to speak at company-wide events, getting rave reviews… and enjoying doing it!

  • Increased buy-in to proposals and organizational changes

  • Delivering powerful presentations both internally and at conferences


If these speak to you, then you’re in the right place. We work with leaders like you all the time – who need to find their voice, and grow into a exciting new role. It need not be daunting nor difficult. You simply need the right mentorship.


While we customize our engagements for the client, a coaching retainer is typically the best to ensure you have support for adeptly handling talks, pressures and politics as they arise.

Speaker with Hands Raised

visionary Entrepreneurs, Coaches, & business owners

You have your own business… which means you are likely in charge of not only delivering your services, but also being the sales and marketing person too. That’s a lot to do!


You may desire to give talks and workshops where you both share your wisdom and offer your services. If you’ve tried this before with, well, less than optimal results, you may know how painful it can be to watch ideal clients not get inspired.


But this can change. Learning how to craft effective talks, and speak with power and presence, pays off: with our guidance, our clients tend to triple their enrollment – while remaining authentic, non-salesy, and of service.    

Speaker with Hands Raised
Adult Female Speaker

Startup founders

It’s time to pitch your business… and it’s challenging to speak with confidence and persuasiveness, and to put your pitch together in a compelling way.


Or, you are growing… and suddenly find yourself in the position of leading a company.


You’re not alone: pretty much all businesses go through these phases. You’re encountering what it feels like to become a leader… which may come with a strong dose of impostor syndrome.


Learning how to present well, and to find leadership presence, are essential for both leading your team as well as external presentations. Please don’t do these alone: you can learn these far more rapidly and effectively with expert guidance.  Our clients have successfully received funding from angel investors, VCs, pitch events… and even on Shark Tank.


Let’s do this together.

get in touch.

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Is it time to claim your voice and presence? Get in touch.


Let's discover your next steps, and get things moving. Whether you have a specific need like a talk or confidence - or, if you're unsure - be in touch.


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